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HOT00003 Extended Screw Driver

HOT00003  Extended Screw Driver
HOT00003 Extended Screw Driver
Illustration 1:
Illustration 2:
Illustration 3:Extended Handle and Driver head
Illustration 4:
●Super hard screwdriver head mady by HSS high alloy steel,wear and distortion resisting!
●Purifier stretched handle made by aluminum alloy CNC , inside can place components and screws!
●Using on heli's M2 socket screw and M3 socket screw!

●Handle x1
●Hexagon Screw Driver head 1.5mm x1
●Hexagon Screw Driver head 2.0mm x1
●Hexagon Screw Driver head 2.5mm x1
●Hexagon Screw Driver head 3.0mm x1

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  • Estoque: Em Estoque
  • Modelo: HOT00003
Etiquetas: HOT00003 , Extended , Screw , Driver
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